Post Diploma in Industrial Safety (PDIS)

To develop highly qualified professional manpower the basic requirement lies on systematic quality based coaching and training in Advanced Science and Technologies. Therefore, the course is designed to train and provide expert human resource to safety management and expected to bring direct benefits to industry and society. The course is based on following objectives:

  1. To develop an expert manpower to handle the complex industrial environment.
  2. To give knowledge about occupational health, industrial hygiene, accidental prevention techniques to the students.
  3. To make the student aware about safety auditing and management systems, pollution prevention techniques etc.
  4. To train the students about risk assessment and management.


Additional Info:

Regular and weekend batches learn from anywhere at your own pace, Effective Engaging Training, Govt Approved Certification, Video Lectures, Structured Assignments.


  1. Industrial Safety Management
  2. Industrial Safety Engineering
  3. Fire Safety Management
  4. Industrial Hygiene & Occupational Health
  5. Safety Management in Industries
  6. Fire Fighting Technology
  7. Practical & Viva

Min. Eligibility : Diploma in Engineering

Duration : 1 Year

Lectures :

Seats Available : 30

Language : English, Hindi

Study materials : Available