
First aid Course near me

Classroom Facilities

Our Classrooms are well Air-conditioned classrooms with proper electrical Facilities

Our classrooms are well equipped with various teaching Aids like Audio, Video, LCD used in the learning process.

Classroom training consists of Basic Fundamentals of Theoretical and Practical Learnings including case studies, quizzes, Mock examination, and Students Presentation.

Virtual Classrooms & E-learning

The virtual classroom facility is provided for expert lectures, interaction with renowned faculty.

Our Virtual E learning Environment gives you greater flexibility in the way you study. Featuring access to a wide range of Programme materials Including Text, Graphics, Audio and Video.

Industrial Trainings

Industrial Practical Training Programmes allows students to relate theoretical knowledge with its applications in the industry.

Enable students to acquire new skills by trying their hands on machines and equipment related to their courses of study.

To enhance the Employability skills of students To develop skills and techniques directly applicable to their careers.

Course Curriculum

Our All Courses Curriculum designed to meet the latest industrial standards.

The Course curriculum is designed considering key and emerging technologies.


We provide Career Guidance and Placement Opportunities for all students.

We provide a platform for students seeking recruitments to interact with possible recruiters on the campus